Lucien Schreiber

European Innovation Scoreboard 2024

This report was prepared and coordinated by
Alasdair Reid (EFIS Centre) and Paresa Markianidou (Technopolis Group), with contributions from
David Rosenfeld, Hannah Bernard, Hélène Pétré & Owen McColgan (Technopolis Group), Lucien Schreiber, Lyudymyla Tautiyeva and Adriana Rantcheva (EFIS Centre) & William Becker


Find out more about the EIS here.


DOI: 10.2777/779689

Read the full report here.


The European Innovation Scoreboard provides a comparative assessment of the Research and Innovation performance of EU Member States, other European, and selected third countries. It helps countries assess the relative strengths and weaknesses of their national innovation systems and identify challenges that they need to address.

The European Innovation Scoreboard interactive tool allows for customised comparisons of performance scores. It allows to visualise country profiles, compare relative strengths, weaknesses and trends, and test correlations between indicators.